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Meet Those who Were Adopted

Not all the animals I have spoken about were in extreme conditions. Some were just puppies, healthy ones born from healthy mothers but in situations where they wouldn’t have a good future or proper care and nutrition.

For these little ones, we found loving homes with a stable foundation to care for them throughout their lives.


These puppies were not given away as something to dispose of, as many people do. We conducted careful interviews and screened the living conditions of those who wanted to adopt. We denied requests when it was clear that the applicants could not meet the needs, including proper nutrition, space, attention, and love.

We made it clear that committing to an animal is a lifelong responsibility, lasting until either the animal or the owner passes away.

We also informed them that there would be surprise visits to check if the animals were being kept in the agreed conditions.
If they failed to meet the requirements, the animals would be taken back to find a suitable home.
Unfortunately, I have had to retrieve animals that were not treated correctly.

However, I frequently receive requests to find homes for animals that people simply don't want around. I am not an animal trashcan, and conducting the proper screening and follow-up is a lot of work.

Therefore, I do not offer this service. I am not an animal shelter, adoption center, or any kind of institution. I did not create a foundation to receive government resources to pay employees for this difficult and delicate work, and I am not looking for volunteers to do so. 

With a heavy heart, I must say: please do not ask me to adopt or find homes for animals you want to get rid of. This is not what I do.

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