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Meet The Furrie Family!

26 cats, 4 dogs alive today May 2024

in memoriam

And of course, when living with so many for decades,
Death is a visitor every now and then.
Taking care of animals means joy and sadness, peace and worry, laughter and tears...

What happens to them when they die?

In silence, I accompany their body for at least a full day. Then, I comb them and sprinkle over their little bodies flower petals, mushrooms, peyote powder, cacao beans, a piece of amber stone, and incense, while copal smokes on charcoal and a candle is lit.

They are wrapped in a new white cotton cloth and taken to a big tree in the jungle. I talk with Mother Earth to ask permission to bring her baby back to her, and to the tree to ask permission to bury them next to him. I dig the portal to freedom with love, a bed of big leaves on the bottom of the grave, place the body, cover it with big leaves, and gently and slowly cover it with soil, the cocoon to shapeshift... Eventually, part of their body will become a tree in the jungle.


Stones are placed in a circle on the soil to mark the place, and a candle on top. I stay there some time in stillness and silence, remembering and honoring the gift of their presence on Earth and their walk with us all in the house through life, the wonderful gift of their existence next to us, knowing that it is just a matter of time before I reunite with them when my time comes as well, to become Mystery and the Unknown as they do now...

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