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The Love For Animals

An introduction to this mission.


     Throughout my life, I've encountered many animals on the brink of death, in the most raw and heart-wrenching circumstances. I couldn't simply pass by without stopping to assist in these extreme emergencies. I always put aside whatever I had to do to help, and I always brought them home, knowing that at the very least, I could offer them a peaceful place to pass away, surrounded by tranquility and love.

I clean them, heal their wounds, provide them with a comfortable bed, and stay by their side day and night, giving them water and food with a dropper every half hour, while gently caresing them and speaking to them softly. Meanwhile, fortunately, a wonderful, very special, and extraordinary veterinarian with one of the biggest hearts I have seen has always been there for us. Even when she is far away, she helps us with guidance from a distance. Of course, at the first sign of improvement, we rush to the local vet for follow-up. The great majority survived; we stole them from the hands of death for a bit more time.

I don't even know how, I ended up having an animal sanctuary at my home, not because I ever thought or wanted something like this, but because life brought me to this situation, which I am thankful for, it only teaches me deep love for life.


I've kept this sanctuary afloat for over three decades. I used to have help from people who eventually left, so for the past three years, I've been managing everything alone, with all expenses coming out of my pocket, with no regrets or complaints at all.


These animals have been in my care for many years, and some are now becoming elders, requiring detailed attention, more frequent veterinary visits, special diets, supplements, and medications. This situation is exceeding my ability to manage everything, and that is why I now ask for your generous support to keep this afloat.


Sometimes emergencies arise, and I'm not always prepared for the unexpected, which demands immediate attention and can be very stressful for both the animals and me. As they age, we face more frequent and unforeseen eventualities.
Especially when it comes to these challenges, I greatly appreciate your support, now I do need a team.


Thank you immensely for your heartfelt support of this mission!​



Additional Note:

Sorry, but I cannot receive all the many animals people want to drop off with me.
I'm not an animal shelter, adoption center, or institution, but a lone animal lover. I do as much as I can. The furries I take care of were sent by life without me seeking it. I'm not out on the streets saving animals, as many think, (I wish I could), yet I am limited in space and resources for such a big task.


Also, none of them are up for adoption.
Frequently, people tell me:

  - "You should look for a home for those animals; they are too many."

My answer:

  - "These animals do have a home, they live with me; they are not "too many"."

-"It costs a lot of money to feed them, so you need to consider rehoming some of them."
My answer:
- You don't feed them or spend a dime on them, so don't worry"


It might seem crazy to some, but I consider these beings my family.
After the battles we’ve faced together with the hope of living, the bond we share is too deep.

I might have a tender heart, but I cannot imagine them not being cared for as they are here,

or being abandoned later on.


Many of these animals can’t be given away.
Do you want to know why? HERE

But did you ever gave any animals in adoption?
Yes a few, do you want to know why? HERE


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